Aloha Intruder family & Friends:
Welcome back to Intruder Sunday ride! At first jus a couple riders were talking when we pulled up then more arrived one by one, two by two Intruders in da house! In da circle this morning da Prez Ray, da v/p Kimo, Geneva, Marc, Kanuck, JimC, Bridgette, Iceman & Dee, Dmann, RayH, aurightttt ride on! After the announcements about Christmas Party on the 9th of Dec at Princess Kaiualani Waikiki, dinner starts at 6pm. Poc Bridgette or Prez for headcount, away we go! Eastbound Diamondhead next stop, it was a nice day, we talked story a little bit at Diamondhead, a pic or two then off we went Mark, JimC, Genny n I helping road guard, off to Waimanalo we headed….the coastline was beautiful blue waters as far as the eye could see. On the right traffic light, as we passed Sandy’s, waving at some bikers at the spot. We pulled into Waimanalo in good time, McDonalds Iceman’s favorite stop, I like the local store next door all kinds of goodies their local kine! Some riders went to Jack in da box area, for gas up, we met up with them shortly, everyone regrouped and most riders had Sunday things they like take care of, so 4 of us decided to keep going around, I looked at the Doppler n the rain looked like it was going over the Koolau n up H3 area so we continued around the island Kahuku next stop, there we let the girls decide a place for kau kau, the decide on “farm to table” jus pass Kahuku on the left nice place for organics salads, fried banana bread with Carmel dripped on it , we all found something nice, property big area for sit benches shade nice stop, once back on the road we went all thru the north shore came up thru Waialua to snake road and up thru the pineapple fields to Scofield base, ran into Kazu, Dean n some of the Hui Makai passing Kemoo Farms, aloha shout, aloha everyone! We peeled our different ways! Great ride! Great day! Mahalo for you! Who came out to ride! Until next week check your bikes! Battery cables! Tire pressure! Oil level, fluids! Keeps ya on da road! Mahalo n see ya next week aloha Da v/p Kimo