Aloha Intruder Family & Friends:
Welcome back to Intruder Sunday! This morning as I pulled up, the club was already moving to stage up. I joined in as road guard and we went to Lava Riders event at Cycle City. The Prez had SBU business to attend to. We got there and no one got poker sheets, meaning we do our own ride then go
back if we want to join at Cycle City. Those present da Prez, Red, Marc, Henry, Dmann, Bridget, Cooper, Barbra, RayH, and Da v/p. I bought a shirt. I looked at the spot where we had parked n the bikes were moving had to run in get started n catch up to the club. We were heading to Northshore Teds was called. We ended up at Haleiwa coffee spot. The Prez had to turn around n go back to event SBU business so him and a couple riders went back, we were going to continue to Teds. The rest met up at Ted’s, the group decide to hale to times Kaneohe for lunch. I opted out and went my own way, thanks for everyone who came out to ride until next week be safe. Mahalo n aloha da veep Kimosabe